
Eleventh House is a great ally of the utility industry.
As part of the public service landscape, the utility sector requires expensive infrastructure and hence, a continuous inflow of funds to finance upgrades and new asset purchases. Since they provide basic services such as water, electricity, and natural gas, utilities are subject to the intense regulatory oversight that makes it difficult to raise rates to increase revenue.
Utilities are tasked with maintaining a reliable source of energy to satisfy the increasing demand from households but having to work with aging infrastructure. Organized with traditional structures and specialized roles, they sometimes have to struggle to carry out special projects and even more, to develop initiatives that genuinely help the community while having long-term benefits for their own business.
As a team of seasoned professionals, we conduct community projects on time and within budget, delivering tangible results in a timely manner, thus laying a firm foundation from which to build upon for years to come. By getting things done and streamlining special projects and processes for stronger results, we help utilities integrate the need to reduce energy consumption in households allowing better performance of investments, with the importance of reducing the bills paid by lower-income people.
Utility companies we’ve worked with:

“One of the core principles of Choptank Electric Cooperative is Our ‘Commitment For Community’ and Neoma Rohman completely embraces this philosophy. For many years the Cooperative has partnered with Neoma, and Eleventh House, to provide much-needed energy efficiency measures to the homes of hundreds of Cooperative Member-owners in all nine counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Neoma is a trusted professional partner and her experience and expertise have been a tremendous asset to me in the administration and management of the Cooperatives Chop-A-Watt Weatherization Program.”
— T H O M A S T . | C H O P T A N K E L E C T R I C C O O P E R A T I V E
Need help with a project?
Eleventh House provides access to funding sources, programs, and initiatives that strengthen the community while allowing your staff to stay focused on their critical missions.